Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hiatus day

Also known as New Year's Eve.

And this is just to reassure my friends and family that, while I didn't love every minute of 2011, it was by no means the worst year of my life. (That would have been 1985. Ask me about it sometime when you have a week or two.) For one thing, I found out all over again how many really nifty people care about me.

I do hope that we can all have a year without major health crises, and there are a few other things I'm hoping against hope for, such as  decent restraint in the United States' electoral politics. But, all in all, I look forward to 2012 without conditions. After all, were it not for miracles of modern science, you wouldn't be reading this, because I'd have no idea yet that I had cancer at all. As it is, I am cancer free, and soon to be treatment free.

HUZZAH! And Happy New Year!


  1. The miracles of modern science indeed--we're both testaments what happens when things go right (or at least, at the moment!).

  2. Lirazel,
    You are an amazing woman, and it is such a privilege to read these and companion you a bit in this way. Happy new year, old friend. I'm off spelunking tomorrow in southern NM. Will remember you from the womb of the earth.
